Events filter

Events filter panel lies between tables of untreated and filtered events. Panel contains current filter description as on following image where filter is set to all events received in year 2012.

Events filter

In right angle of panel, events status summary is shown for total number of:

  • untreated events,
  • events in process (accepted in treatment process) and
  • events on hold (treatment process is delayed).

View menu contains events filter commands.

View menu
Filter Shows dialog for complex events filter setup. Allows events filtering by account, period of time, partitions, zones, users, owners, groups, alarm receivers, status, event types, ...
Account filter Shows dialog for fast filter setup by account code or name.
Event status filter Fast filter setup by event status: untreated, on hold, in process and processed events.
Event type filter Fast filter setup by event types. List of event types depends on software purpose (surveillance of immovable objects, movable objects, persons, computer networks, ...).
Clear filter Turns off current events filter and shows all events.

With right mouse click on events filter panel, content menu opens with same filtering commands as in previously described View menu.

Filter dialog

Allows different complex filtering conditions setup for advanced events filtering. For example, all technical alarms on hold, for selected owner in selected town receiver within last month. Description of active filter is visible in events filter panel.

  • OK button applies selected events filter options, shows filtered events and closes events filter dialog.
  • Default button will reset all selected events filter options to default values.
  • Apply button will apply selected events filter options and show filtered events while events filter dialog will remain open.
  • Cancel button will close events filter dialog without applying selected events filter option. Previous filter options will remain active.
Accounts and geographical data

With turned on accounts filter, an account may be selected by name from dropdown or by account code.

Special account codes:

Special account codes
SYSTEM Software system events, like: alarm receiver communication trouble, database backup, ...
0000 Alarm receivers system events, like: low battery, phone like trouble, ...

Accounts and geographical data

Geographical data filter allows events filtering by: country, state/county, city, suburb, street and home number. It is possible to set filter by home number within city, without street name (when city has only home numbers).

Time period

To enable time filtering, one of the predefined time filters should be selected, for example: current month, current year, year or selected time period. Oldest archived event time and newest received event are visible. Within that period of time is possible to set filter.

Time period

Old events archiving procedure is fully automated. It is required to set any period of time filter to take into account archived events.

For example, if you wish to see all events from account 1001, than it is required to set period of time filter.

Partitions, users and zones

Filtering events by partitions, users, and zones is possible only with accounts filter turned on and selected account by name.

Partitions, users and zones


When accounts filter is turned off, also filtering by partitions, users and zones is turned off automatically.

Owner, group, ...

Filtering by different accounts and received events data:

Owner Accounts owner selection, allows filtering events for all accounts owned by selected owner.
Installer Alarm panels installer selection, allows filtering events for all accounts where selected installer has installed or is servicing alarm panel.
Group Accounts group selection, allows filtering events for all accounts from selected group.
Priority FIlters events with selected treatment priority.
Alarm receiver FIlters events received with selected alarm receiver.
Line card Filters events received with selected line card. This filter has sense only in combination with alarm receiver filter. If alarm receiver filter is turned off, then events received for example with line card nr. 2 from all alarm receivers will be shown.
Communication protocol Shows all events received with selected communication protocol. For example: SIA 2000, ContactID, ...
Operator Filters events treated by selected operator.
Event code Shows only events with given event code. Event code may contain SQL wildcards (% and _).
Parameter code Shows only events with given parameter code. Parameter code may contain SQL wildcards (% and _).
Caller ID Shows only events containing given caller ID (event sender phone number).
Hide disabled accounts events Inactive (excluded) accounts events are hidden.
Show disabled accounts events Inactive (excluded) accounts events are visible and mixed with events from other accounts (active and under test).
Show only events for disabled accounts Only inactive (excluded) accounts events are visible, events from all other accounts (active and under test) are hidden.

Owner, group, ...

Status and events types

Event status may be one of following:

  • untreated,
  • on hold,
  • in process and
  • treated event.

With status filter turned on, events with selected status (one or more) will be filtered.

Status and event types

List of event types depends on software purpose (surveillance of immovable objects, movable objects, persons, computer networks, ...). According to installed licences, list of event types content may vary.

With event types filter turned on, it is possible to select (one or many) type. For example: alarm (general), medical, fire and burglary alarm.

List of account status types also depends on software purpose (surveillance of immovable objects, movable objects, persons, computer networks, ...). According to installed licences, list of account status types content may vary.

With account status types filter turned on, it is possible to select (one or many) type. For example: bell and battery trouble.