Standard time period
When selected report is executed default period of time shown in pre-execution dialog can be one of the following:
last month or
last half of month.
Report files folder
Path where reports are saved when report type involving report files creation is used. For each report an folder with name corresponding to report caption is created in selected folder.
Filename construction
Defines how each account report filename is constructed when report type involving report files creation is used. Possible values are:
account code,
account code, caption and
caption and account code.
Pause period between two reports
If more than one report is selected this parameter defines pause in seconds between two reports execution. This option is very useful when sending e-mail messages (one per report) or printing to slow printer. In first case by increasing this value is possible to avoid mail server rejection (consult your ISP for best parameter value). In second case by increasing this value printer lifetime can be significantly extended.
Pause period between two accounts
If there is more than one account per report, then this parameter defines pause in seconds between two accounts report execution. Like in prevoius case, this option is usefull when sending e-mail messages or printing to slow printer.

MAIL server
MAIL server URL or IP address. If your server uses different port then standard, separate it with : from address. For example:
Sender e-mail address
E-mail address that will be set as sender address for all reports sending e-mail messages.
Replay e-mail address
E-mail address that will be set as replay address for all reports sending e-mail messages.
MAIL server requires user authentication
If your MAIL server requires user authentication, then you can use this checkbox to enable username and password fields.
Username for MAIL server authentication.
Password for MAIL server authentication.
Message subject
Custom message subject for report e-mail message. If this parameter is left blank, default subject text is used in all reports e-mail messages.
Message body
Custom message body for report e-mail message. If this parameter is left blank, default subject body is used in all reports e-mail messages.
Add contact information to body
When checked, company contact information is appended to the end of message body.

Event types
When no event type is checked in list of event types, then is assumed that all event types are checked except scheduler exceptions.
To include scheduler exceptions in account reports it's required to check "Event scheduler exceptions" checkbox. List of available event types is visible on next image.