DC Discovery alarm monitoring software suite installation process can be divided into three parts:
Before starting any prerequisite or software installation it is advisable to temporary turn off Antivirus software and Windows Firewall. IPv6 shall be turned off permanently as its not needed in this kind of installations.
Windows Firewall can be turned off from Command Prompt by executing following command:
netsh advfirewall set AllProfiles state off
After all installations are completed Antivirus software may be turned on. If Antivirus software contains its own Firewall module then SQL Server and DC Discovery related ports shall be allowed. Also, Windows Firewall can be turned on by executing following command from Command Prompt:
netsh advfirewall set AllProfiles state on
If Windows Firewall is on then SQL Server and DC Discovery related ports also shall be allowed in Windows Firewall separatelly from Antivirus software Firewall module.
Here is the list of SQL Server and DC Discovery related TCP ports and executable filenames:
# | Application | Port | Executable |
1 | SQL Server | 1433 | sqlservr.exe |
2 | IIT DC Receiver Server service | 18103 | dcreceiverservice.exe |
3 | IIT DC Discovery application | 18104 | dcdiscovery.exe |
4 | IIT DC Discovery Monitor application | 18102 | dcreceivermonitor.exe |
To disable IPv6 execute following script from Command Prompt:
netsh interface teredo set state disabled netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set state state=disabled undoonstop=disabled netsh interface ipv6 isatap set state state=disabled
Future versions of DC Discovery will support IPv6 as it is intertwined in the operating system, and supports some new technologies, such as DNSSec, DirectAccess, ...